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9 Aug 2024

TPM Knowledge

TPM Fundamentals - TPM 8 Pillars

TPM encompasses the active involvement of all employees (Total Participation) in eight distinct activities, referred to as the "Eight Pillars of TPM," with the overarching objective of eradicating 16 defined major losses. These eight pillars are deliberately crafted to serve as comprehensive measures aimed at eliminating and preventing losses in all areas.

1. Focused Improvement (FI):

Entails a meticulous examination and quantification of losses associated with each production line and process (Gathering & Analyzing). The pillar's primary aim is to reduce and eventually eliminate losses, and unlock the potential for enhanced profitability.

2. Autonomous Maintenance (AM):

Represents a quintessential activity geared towards loss prevention. By nurturing a culture of continuous improvement in the Gemba or shopfloor, it empowers operators to take ownership and assume responsibility for the daily care of their respective equipment.

3. Planned Maintenance (PM):

Encompasses the identification and rectification of equipment degradation. Through the application of advanced maintenance practices, PM seeks to restore and prolong equipment lifespan while striving for zero breakdowns and minimizing maintenance costs via the dedicated contributions of the maintenance department.

4. Early Management (EM) for Product and Equipment Development:

Focuses on preemptively addressing potential losses during the developmental and design stages of products and equipment. This proactive approach is instrumental in facilitating a smooth production start up for new products and equipment.

5. Quality Maintenance (QM):

Involves the implementation and management of optimal conditions that eradicate defects. By embracing forward-thinking measures and proactive countermeasures, QM significantly reduces the risk of encountering quality losses.

6. Education and Training (E&T):

Serves as a critical endeavor to consolidate and enhance the necessary knowledge and skills required for effective work execution. The underlying goal is to cultivate an organization that is knowledgeable and geared towards ideal operation and loss reduction/prevention.

7. Office TPM:

Supportive role by non-production (administrative and indirect departments) through harmonization with departments directly involved in manufacturing activity. This pillar strives to contribute to the elimination and prevention of losses throughout the organization, and increasing profitability across the factory/company.

8. Safety, Hygiene, Environment (SHE):

Embodies a commitment to achieving zero accidents, zero pollution, zero waste, and the attainment of a conducive working environment that aligns with the principles of sustainability.

It is crucial to recognize that the eight pillars of TPM are not independent entities but intricately interdependent, as illustrated in the accompanying diagram, exemplifying a defining attribute of the TPM framework.

TPM 8 Pillars.png

Please contact JMAC for futher information through inquiry form: Click here for JMAC TPM Inquiry Form

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