News & Tips

5 Nov 2018


TPM Plant Tours & Karakuri Kaizen Exhibition in Nagoya - October 2018

JMAC recently organised TPM plant visits for overseas clients to coincide
with the Karakuri Kaizen Exhibtion in Nagoya, Japan.

The plant visits were to the following plants:
1) Auto interiors: storage/compartments
2) Auto parts: engines, powertrains
3) Automotive assembly

The plants provided presentations on their TPM activities,
TPM award results, kaizens/improvements achieved, and production processes.

We observed a wide range of new ideas being implemented alongside standard TPM activities.
The following were some of the new ideas observed: karakuri improvements,
employee welfare improvements, automated guided vehicles (AGVs), and gemba/shopfloor safety initiatives.

We look forward to seeing more visitors who wish to learn about TPM in the near future.

For more information, contact us on:

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