News & Tips

17 Mar 2023

TPM Knowledge

Golden Rules for TPM #08:Restore First Before Switching the Focus to Kaizen (Improvements)

•TPM Golden Rules 

Restoration means "to return to the original state."  If you simply replace a part because of a failure, the problem will recur. First, restore, and then make Kaizen.

First, restore (return to the original correct state)

Equipment failure occurs when the functions of the units and parts that make up the equipment are impaired. Generally, when a breakdown occurs, measures are taken to replace the broken parts or to increase the strength of the parts to "prevent it from happening again." However, are these measures really correct? Will the failure no longer recur? Simply replacing a part does not mean that the root cause of the failure has been identified and addressed.

Daily activities such as cleaning, lubricating, and tightening screws and bolts are called "maintenance of basic conditions of equipment." By ensuring that these activities are carried out, it is possible to maintain equipment in a state of minimal deterioration.

Failures/breakdowns may have occurred because basic conditions were not maintained. When a failure/breakdown occurs, the highest priority must be placed on restoring the equipment to its original correct state by properly maintaining the basic conditions, rather than simply replacing or reinforcing parts. This is called restoration. When kaizen without restoration is conducted, the cause for the problem will remain and the same trouble will recur.

Concept of Restoration and Kaizen

Restoration is the basis

According to the dictionary, kaizen (improvement) means "to improve and make a bad part good," while restoration means "to return to the original position or form". When a breakdown occurs, basic conditions should be maintained to restore the equipment to its original (correct) state where it can perform as originally intended, and to check whether the cause of the breakdown has been eliminated. If maintenance measures are then taken after that, the failure will not recur. Only then we can proceed to Kaizen activities.

First, basic conditions must be maintained

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